
Publications par les membres de notre département

Janvier 2024

Dr François Martin Carrier
Underestimating the Danger of Frailty in Elderly Populations Undergoing Surgery.

Dr Pascal Laferrière-Langlois
Depth of Anesthesia and Nociception Monitoring: Current State and Vision For 2050

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Changing society, changing research: integrating gender to better understand physical and psychological treatments use in chronic pain management

Virtual group psychotherapy for chronic pain: exploring the impact of the virtual medium on participants’ experiences

A Prospective Cohort Study of Acute Pain and In-Hospital Opioid Consumption After Cardiac Surgery: Associations With Psychological and Medical Factors and Chronic Postsurgical Pain

Décembre 2023

Dr François Martin Carrier
Restrictive or Liberal Transfusion Strategy in Myocardial Infarction and Anemia.

Point-of-care haemoglobin accuracy and transfusion outcomes in non-cardiac surgery at a Canadian tertiary academic hospital: protocol for the PREMISE observational study.

Dr André Denault
Higher portal venous pulsatility is associated with worse clinical outcomes following congenital heart surgery: a single-centre prospective cohort study

The authors reply

Dr Pascal Laferrière-Langlois
Novel Preoperative Risk Stratification Using Digital Phenotyping Applying a Scalable Machine-Learning Approach

Dr Louis Morisson
Depth of Anesthesia and Nociception Monitoring: Current State and Vision For 2050

Dr David Ogez
Redefining hypnosis: A narrative review of theories to move towards an integrative model

Feasibility Study of Taking Back Control Together, an Intervention to Support Parents of Children with Cancer

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Co-designing a Canadian adaptation of a lifestyle-oriented intervention aimed to improve daily functioning of individuals living with chronic pain: a multi-method study protocol of REVEAL(OT) Canada

Dr Issam Tanoubi
Telehealth Competencies: Training Physicians for a New Reality?

Novembre 2023

Dr François Martin Carrier
Restrictive or Liberal Transfusion Strategy in Myocardial Infarction and Anemia.

Dr André Denault
Higher portal venous pulsatility is associated with worse clinical outcomes following congenital heart surgery: a single-centre prospective cohort study

Dre Christina Lamontagne
Intrathecal dexmedetomidine analgesia after Cesarean delivery: a feasibility trial

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Trajectories of opioid consumption as predictors of patient-reported outcomes among individuals attending multidisciplinary pain treatment clinics

Pain Medications Used by Persons Living With Fibromyalgia: A Comparison Between the Profile of a Quebec Sample and Clinical Practice Guidelines

Dr Gabriel Paquin-Lanthier
Cost-effectiveness of greenhouse gas emission reductions with desflurane and sevoflurane waste gas recovery

Octobre 2023

Dr François Martin Carrier
Effects of an open lung extubation strategy compared with a conventional extubation strategy on postoperative pulmonary complications after general anesthesia: a single-centre pilot randomized controlled trial.

Dre Élizabeth Décary (lien fonctionnel : cliquez pour accéder à l’article)
Recurarisation after sugammadex in children: review of case reports and recommendations

Dre Catherine Duclos
Theoretical Neurobiology of Consciousness Applied to Human Cerebral Organoids

Dr Martin Girard
Effects of an open lung extubation strategy compared with a conventional extubation strategy on postoperative pulmonary complications after general anesthesia: a single-centre pilot randomized controlled trial

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
The Medication Quantification Scale 4.0: An updated index based on prescribers’ perceptions of the risk associated with chronic pain medications

Dr Philippe Richebé
Generalizability of nociception level as a measure of intraoperative nociceptive stimulation: A retrospective analysis.

Septembre 2023

Dr François Martin Carrier
Preoperative fibrinogen level and blood transfusions in liver transplantation: A systematic review.

Residual Psychomotor Skills of Orderlies After a Novel Chest Compression Training Intervention.

Dr André Denault
Assessment of fluid responsiveness in children using respiratory variations in descending aortic flow

Dre Catherine Duclos
Sleep Disruptions in Hospitalized Adults Sustaining a Traumatic Brain Injury: A Scoping Review

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Polypharmacy and Excessive Polypharmacy Among Persons Living with Chronic Pain: A Cross-Sectional Study on the Prevalence and Associated Factors

Dr Philippe Richebé
Prevalence and Risk Factors for Chronic Postsurgical Pain after Cardiac Surgery: A Single-center Prospective Cohort Study.

Août 2023

Dr François Martin Carrier
Intraoperative Vasoactive Medications and Perioperative Outcomes in Liver Transplantation: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-analyses.

Calcineurin Inhibition in Deceased Organ Donors: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Preclinical Studies.

Dr André Denault
Evaluation of Portal, Splenic, and Hepatic Vein Flows in Children Undergoing Congenital Heart Surgery

Hemodynamic management during off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery: a narrative review of proper targets for safe execution and troubleshooting

Dr Louis Morisson
Radiomic analysis of abdominal organs during sepsis of digestive origin in a French intensive care unit

A network meta-analysis of therapeutic and prophylactic management of vasospasm on aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage outcomes

Dr David Ogez
Demystifying hypnosis: Unravelling facts, exploring the historical roots of myths, and discerning what is hypnosis

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Trends in Prescription Chronic Pain Medication Use before and during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Québec, Canada: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis

Dr Stephan Williams
Climate crisis and carbon-neutral anesthesia

Juillet 2023

Dr André Denault
Doppler identified venous congestion in septic shock: protocol for an international, multi-centre prospective cohort study (Andromeda-VEXUS)

Dr Gabrielle Pagé
Pain, mental health and healthcare utilization: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth with chronic pain, parents and siblings

Sex and gender differences in healthcare utilisation trajectories: a cohort study among Quebec workers living with chronic pain

Juin 2023

Dr François Martin Carrier
Perioperative clinical practice in liver transplantation: a cross-sectional survey

Dr Antony Carrier-Boucher
Effect of reverse Trendelenburg position and positive pressure ventilation on safe non-hypoxic apnea period in obese, a randomized-control trial

Dre Catherine Duclos
A scoping review for building a criticality-based conceptual framework of altered states of consciousness

Dr David Ogez
Demystifying hypnosis: Unravelling facts, exploring the historical roots of myths, and discerning what is hypnosis

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
« We survived the pandemic together »: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Canadian families living with chronic pain

The Canadian version of the National Institutes of Health minimum dataset for chronic low back pain research: reference values from the Quebec Low Back Pain Study

Dr Philippe Richebé
Generalizability of nociception level as a measure of intraoperative nociceptive stimulation: A retrospective analysis.

Dr Issam Tanoubi
Effect of reverse Trendelenburg position and positive pressure ventilation on safe non-hypoxic apnea period in obese, a randomized-control trial

Dre Grisell Vargas
Pharmacological Proposal Approach to Managing Chronic Pain Associated with COVID-19

Mai 2023

Dr Pierre Beaulieu
Efficacy of a propofol bolus against placebo to prevent cough at emergence from general anesthesia with desflurane: a randomized controlled trial

Dr François Martin Carrier
Automated screening of potential organ donors using a temporal machine learning model.

Dr André Denault
Prolonged cardiovascular pharmacological support and fluid management after cardiac surgery

Femoral vein pulsatility: a simple tool for venous congestion assessment

Dr Éric Peters, Dr André Denault
Assessment of fluid responsiveness in children using respiratory variations in descending aortic flow

Dre Catherine Duclos
Aperiodic brain activity and response to anesthesia vary in disorders of consciousness

Dr Gabriel Paquin-Lanthier
Risk Factors and Characteristics of Intraoperative Seizures During Awake Craniotomy: A Retrospective Cohort Study of 562 Consecutive Patients With a Space-occupying Brain Lesion

Dr Philippe Richebé
Evaluation of nociception: if one parameter can do so little, can multiple parameters do so much?

Prevalence and Risk Factors for Chronic Post-Surgical Pain Following Cardiac Surgery: A Single-center Prospective Cohort Study.

Avril 2023

Dr André Denault
Pro: We Should Use a Pulmonary Artery Catheter with Right Ventricular Pressure Waveforms in Cardiac Surgical Patients

Novel Frontiers in Critical-Care Cardiology: Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Evolving Systems of Care, and Contemporary Critical Care Management

New Developments in Continuous Hemodynamic Monitoring of the Critically Ill Patient

Transesophageal Echocardiography in Patients in Cardiac Arrest: The Heart and Beyond

Inhaled Epoprostenol and Milrinone Effect on Right Ventricular Pressure Waveform Monitoring

Emerging Applications of Extracardiac Ultrasound in Critically Ill Cardiac Patients

Processed Electroencephalogram-Based Monitoring to Guide Sedation in Critically Ill Adult Patients: Recommendations from an International Expert Panel-Based Consensus

IV Vitamin C in Adults With Sepsis: A Bayesian Reanalysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial

Dr Pascal Laferrière-Langlois
A randomized controlled trial comparing three supraglottic airway devices used as a conduit to facilitate tracheal intubation with flexible bronchoscopy

Dr Florian Robin
A Medicoeconomic Evaluation of a Telehealth Platform for Elective Outpatient Surgeries: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial

Dr Issam Tanoubi
Healthcare providers and patients: an essay on the importance of professional assertiveness in healthcare today

Mars 2023

Dr François Martin Carrier
Fluid Management for Critically Ill Patients with Acute Kidney Injury Receiving Kidney Replacement Therapy: An International Survey.

Dr André Denault
Fluid Management for Critically Ill Patients with Acute Kidney Injury Receiving Kidney Replacement Therapy: An International Survey

Inhaled milrinone in cardiac surgical patients: pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic exploration

Février 2023

Dr Pierre Beaulieu, Dr Alex Moore, Dr Stephan Williams
Efficacy of a propofol bolus against placebo to prevent cough at emergence from general anesthesia with desflurane: a randomized controlled trial

Dr François Martin Carrier
Association Between Familiarity of the Surgeon-Anesthesiologist Dyad and Postoperative Patient Outcomes for Complex Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery.

Comment on: « The Supply Side of Coagulation: Fibrinogen and Bleeding in Liver Disease and Transplantation. » The Known, the Unknown, the Possibly Known, and the Impossible.

Post-transplant outcomes among cystic fibrosis patients undergoing lung transplantation colonized by Burkholderia: A single center cohort study.

Dr André Denault
Pulmonary Vasodilator Response of Combined Inhaled Epoprostenol and Inhaled Milrinone in Cardiac Surgical Patients

Dre Meggie Raymond
Perioperative Optimization of the Cardiac Surgical Patient

Dre Grisell Vargas-Schaffer
A Latin American consensus meeting on the essentials of mixed pain

Janvier 2023

Dr François Martin Carrier
Variation in Anesthesiology Provider-Volume for Complex Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery: A Population-Based Study.

Phlebotomy resulting in controlled hypovolemia to prevent blood loss in major hepatic resections (PRICE-2): study protocol for a phase 3 randomized controlled trial.

Implication of Hypotension in the Pathogenesis of Cognitive Impairment and Brain Injury in Chronic Liver Disease.

Dr André Denault
Longitudinal Validation of Right Ventricular Pressure Monitoring for the Assessment of Right Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction in a Large Animal Ischemic Model.

How to assess systemic venous congestion with point of care ultrasound.

Dr Pascal Laferrière-Langlois
New Developments in Continuous Hemodynamic Monitoring of the Critically Ill Patient

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Distinct care trajectories among persons living with arthritic conditions: A two-year state sequence analysis

« Intérêt des registres dans la recherche sur la douleur neuropathique »
(Contactez la Dre Pagé pour plus d’info au sujet de cet article)

Décembre 2022

Dr François Martin Carrier
Intraoperative measurement of the respiratory exchange ratio predicts postoperative complications after liver transplantation.

The Association between Hospital High-volume Anesthesiology Care and Patient Outcomes for Complex Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgery: A Population-based Study.

Postoperative opioid consumption and prescription in major abdominal surgery.

Dr André Denault
Venous Doppler to Assess Congestion: A Comprehensive Review of Current Evidence and Nomenclature

Dr André Denault, Dre Geneviève Riendeau Beaulac
Transesophageal Echocardiography in Cardiac Arrest: the Heart and Beyond

Dr David Ogez
Do problem-solving skills help mitigate emotional distress through perceived control and self-efficacy in parents of children with cancer?

The Use of Hypnosis during the Perinatal Period: A Systematic Review

Dr Philippe Richebé
University of Montreal’s Clinician-Investigator Program: A 10-Year Descriptive Evaluation.

Dre Ariane Clairoux, Dr Maxim Soucy-Proulx, Dr Philippe Richebé
Regional anesthesia did not prevent chronic neuropathic pain after oncologic breast surgery.

Dr Louis Morisson, Dr Pascal Laferrière-Langlois, Dr Philippe Richebé
A new machine learning algorithm to predict veno-arterial ECMO implantation after post-cardiotomy low cardiac output syndrome.

Novembre 2022

Dr André Denault
New Development in Brain Monitoring for Cardiac Surgery

Can we trust radial artery pressure monitoring for cardiac surgery?

Perioperative Doppler ultrasound assessment of portal vein flow pulsatility in high-risk cardiac surgery patients: a multicentre prospective cohort study

A Word of Caution on Right Ventricular Pressure Monitoring Using the Paceport Pulmonary Artery Catheter

Dr Philippe Richebé, Dr Louis Morisson, Dr Pascal Laferrière-Langlois
A new machine learning algorithm to predict veno-arterial ECMO implantation after post-cardiotomy low cardiac output syndrome.

Dr Philippe Richebé, Dr David Ogez, Dr Robert Urbanowicz
Definition and refinement of HYlaDO, a self-hypnosis training program for chronic pain management: A qualitative exploratory study.

Dr Philippe Richebé, Dre Valérie Zaphiratos
The Impact of COVID-19 on Maternal Mental Health during Pregnancy: A Comparison between Canada and China within the CONCEPTION Cohort.

Octobre 2022

Dr François Martin Carrier
Infratentorial Brain Injury Among Patients Suspected of Death by Neurologic Criteria: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

An international observational study to assess the impact of the Omicron variant emergence on the clinical epidemiology of COVID-19 in hospitalised patients.

Dr André Denault
Venous Doppler to Assess Congestion: A Comprehensive Review of Current Evidence and Nomenclature

Can we trust radial artery pressure monitoring for cardiac surgery?

Perioperative Doppler ultrasound assessment of portal vein flow pulsatility in high-risk cardiac surgery patients: a multicentre prospective cohort study

Pulmonary Vasodilator Response of Combined Inhaled Epoprostenol and Inhaled Milrinone in Cardiac Surgical Patients

Dre Catherine Duclos
Paradoxical markers of conscious levels: Effects of propofol on patients in disorders of consciousness

Septembre 2022

Dr Sylvain Bélisle
A Randomized Trial of Enteral Glutamine for Treatment of Burn Injuries

Dr François Martin Carrier
Preoperative Fibrinogen Level and Bleeding in Liver Transplantation for End-stage Liver Disease: A Cohort Study.

Incidental finding of elevated pulmonary arterial pressures during liver transplantation and postoperative pulmonary complications.

Prolonged mechanical ventilation after cardiac surgery: substudy of the Transfusion Requirements in Cardiac Surgery III trial.

Cost-effectiveness of remdesivir plus usual care versus usual care alone for hospitalized patients with COVID-19: an economic evaluation as part of the Canadian Treatments for COVID-19 (CATCO) randomized clinical trial.

Dre Manon Choinière
Use of IMMPACT Recommendations to Explore Pain Phenotypes in People with Knee Osteoarthritis

Dr André Denault
Pulmonary Vasodilator Response of Combined Inhaled Epoprostenol and Inhaled Milrinone in Cardiac Surgical Patients

Early Detection and Correction of Cerebral Desaturation With Noninvasive Oxy-Hemoglobin, Deoxy-Hemoglobin, and Total Hemoglobin in Cardiac Surgery: A Case Series

Impact of Processed Electroencephalography in Cardiac Surgery: A Retrospective Analysis

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Gender Differences in Medication Adverse Effects Experienced by People Living With Chronic Pain

Prevalence of cannabis use for pain management in Quebec: A post-legalization estimate among generations living with chronic pain

Transitional Pain Care in Quebec: Did We Forget Our Youths? A Brief Research Report

An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study of Pain Intensity Variability: Ascertaining Extent, Predictors, and Associations With Quality of Life, Interference and Health Care Utilization Among Individuals Living With Chronic Low Back Pain

Juillet et Août 2022

Dr André Denault
A simple algorithm for differential diagnosis in hemodynamic shock based on left ventricle outflow tract velocity-time integral measurement: a case series

How can assessing hemodynamics help to assess volume status?

Processed Electroencephalogram-Based Monitoring to Guide Sedation in Critically Ill Adult Patients: Recommendations from an International Expert Panel-Based Consensus

Acute Cardiointestinal Syndrome Resulting From Postoperative Acute Biventricular Heart Failure

Dr Louis Morisson, Dr Pascal Laferrière-Langlois, Dr Mathieu Nadeau-Vallée, Dr Olivier Verdonck, Dr Philippe Richebé
Identification of the intraoperative antinociceptive effect of intravenous fentanyl using the Nociception Level (NOL) index versus clinical parameters in patients undergoing gynecological laparoscopic surgery: A secondary analysis of the NOLGYN study.

Dr Louis Morisson, Dr Mathieu Nadeau-Vallée, Dr Pascal Laferrière-Langlois, Dr Olivier Verdonck, Dr Philippe Richebé
Prediction of acute postoperative pain based on intraoperative nociception level (NOL) index values: the impact of machine learning-based analysis.

Dr Louis Morisson, Dr Olivier Verdonck, Dr Philippe Richebé
Comment on: Low-pressure versus standard pressure laparoscopic colorectal surgery (PAROS trial): a phase III randomized controlled trial.

Dr David Ogez, Dr Robert Urbanowicz, Dr Philippe Richebé
Definition and refinement of HYlaDO, a self-hypnosis training program for chronic pain management: A qualitative exploratory study.

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
French-Canadian Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale: The COWS-FC

Dr Philippe Richebé
Arterial Cannulation Simulation Training in Novice Ultrasound Users.

Dre Grisell Vargas-Schaeffer
Douleur chronique associée à une COVID longue 2

Juin 2022

Dr André Denault
New developments in the understanding of right ventricular function in acute care

A standardized definition for right ventricular failure in cardiac surgery patients

Perioperative Management of Pulmonary Hypertension During Cardiac Surgery: A Call for Interdisciplinary Networking

Dr Taher Toure
Early post-operative benefits of a pulmonary valve-sparing strategy during Fallot repair

Mai 2022

Dre Manon Choinière
Pharmacological treatments of neuropathic pain: real-life comparisons using propensity score matching.

Dr André Denault
The Right Heart Network and Risk Stratification in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Psychometric properties of the French and English short form of the Protective Behavioural Strategies for Marijuana Scale in Canadian university students

Dr Philippe Richebé
Identification of the intraoperative antinociceptive effect of intravenous fentanyl using the Nociception Level (NOL) index versus clinical parameters in patients undergoing gynecological laparoscopic surgery: A secondary analysis of the NOLGYN study.

Dr Stephan Williams, Dre Sarah Maximos, Dr Alex Moore
Peak plasma concentration of total and free bupivacaine after erector spinae plane and pectointercostal fascial plane blocks

Avril 2022

Dr François Martin Carrier
Pressure Support Ventilation and Atelectasis: Comment

Dr Christian Loubert
Comparison of carbetocin as a bolus or an infusion with prophylactic phenylephrine on maternal heart rate during Cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia: a double-blinded randomized controlled trial

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
French-Canadian Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale: The COWS-FC

Low back pain definitions: effect on patient inclusion and clinical profiles

Characteristics of Persons Seeking Care for Moderate to Severe Pain Due to Chronic Low Back Pain and Osteoarthritis: A Cross-Sectional Study

Dr Étienne Renaud-Roy, Dr Morisson, Dre Véronique Brulotte, Dr Louis-Philippe Fortier, Dr Olivier Verdonck, Dre Manon Choinière et Dr Philippe Richebé
Effect of combined intraoperative use of the Nociception Level (NOL) and bispectral (BIS) indexes on desflurane administration.

Dr Philippe Richebé
Effect of GOAL-Directed ANalgesia using ANI (Analgesia/Nociception Index) during general anesthesia on immediate postoperative pain and intraoperative hemodynamics in adult patients (GOALDAN study): a study protocol for randomized, controlled, multicenter trial.

Dr Philippe Richebé et l’Editorial Board ACCPM
Peace, not war in Ukraine or anywhere else, please.

Dr Morisson, Dr Olivier Verdonck, Dr Philippe Richebé
Comment on: Low-pressure versus standard pressure laparoscopic colorectal surgery (PAROS trial): a phase III randomized controlled trial.

Mars 2022

Dre Véronique Brulotte, Dr Philippe Richebé
Nociception level index variations in patients with complex regional pain syndrome: a pilot study.

Dr Christian Loubert, Dre Valérie Zaphiratos, Dre Marie-Ève Boisselle, Dr Philippe Richebé
Comparison of carbetocin as a bolus or an infusion with prophylactic phenylephrine on maternal heart rate during Cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia: a double-blinded randomized controlled trial.

Dr David Ogez
Hypnosis and music interventions for anxiety, pain, sleep and well-being in palliative care: systematic review and meta-analysis

Comment mener une recherche interventionnelle en psycho-oncologie ? Développement, évaluation et implémentation en pratique clinique (Contactez le Dr Ogez pour plus d’info)

Développement et évaluation d’un programme d’entraînement à la communication hypnotique à destination des infirmières en oncologie pédiatrique : la formation Rel@x (Contactez le Dr Ogez pour plus d’info)

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Strategies aimed at preventing long-term opioid use in trauma and orthopaedic surgery: a scoping review

Experiences of Pediatric Pain Professionals Providing Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study

Dre Valérie Zaphiratos, Dr Philippe Richebé
The COVID-19 Pandemic Impacted Maternal Mental Health Differently Depending on Pregnancy Status and Trimester of Gestation.

Février 2022

Dr François Martin Carrier
Remdesivir for the treatment of patients in hospital with COVID-19 in Canada: a randomized controlled trial

Intraoperative phlebotomies and bleeding in liver transplantation: a historical cohort study and causal analysis

Dr André Denault
Preliminary experience with continuous right ventricular pressure and transesophageal echocardiography monitoring in orthotopic liver transplantation

Intra-abdominal pressure during and after cardiac surgery: a single-centre prospective cohort study

Dr Philippe Richebé
Letter in reply to Dr Mraovic, on the initial publication: Assessing the antinociceptive effect of nitrous oxide to a tetanic stimulation in anaesthetised patients with new intra-operative nociception monitors.

Dr Issam Tanoubi
High-Fidelity Simulation-Based Education: Description of an Original Crisis Resource Management and Sedation Learning for Dental Surgeons

Janvier 2022

Dr François Martin Carrier
Remdesivir for the treatment of patients in hospital with COVID-19 in Canada: a randomized controlled trial

Dre Ariane Clairoux
Intrapandemic regional anesthesia as practice: a historical cohort study in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery

Dr André Denault
Combined cerebral and somatic near-infrared spectroscopy oximetry monitoring during liver surgery: an observational and non-interventional study

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Pharmacological treatments of neuropathic pain: real-life comparisons using propensity score matching

An ecological momentary assessment study of pain intensity variability: ascertaining extent, predictors, and associations with quality of life, interference and health care utilization among individuals living with chronic low back pain

Dre Grisell Vargas
Monitoring Pharmacological Treatment in Patients With Chronic Noncancer Pain

Décembre 2021

Dr André Denault
Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction in the Intensive Care Unit: A Case Report of 2 Patients

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
What is Pain-Related Suffering? Conceptual Critiques, Key Attributes, and Outstanding Questions

Qualitative Study of Health Care Providers’ Uptake of the Project Extension for Community Health Outcomes for Chronic Pain

Dr Philippe Richebé
Exploration of a Multi-Parameter Technology for Pain Assessment in Postoperative Patients After Cardiac Surgery in the Intensive Care Unit: The Nociception Level Index (NOL) TM

Novembre 2021

Dr François Martin Carrier
Restrictive versus liberal transfusion in patients with diabetes undergoing cardiac surgery: An open-label, randomized, blinded outcome evaluation trial

Dre Manon Choinière
Pilot trial of telemedicine in urology: Video vs. telephone consultations

Dr André Denault
Non-invasive detection of a femoral-to-radial arterial pressure gradient in intensive care patients with vasoactive agents

The Right Heart Network and Risk Stratification in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Intra-abdominal pressure during and after cardiac surgery: a single-centre prospective cohort study

Dr David Ogez
Outcomes in newly diagnosed young or high-risk myeloma patients receiving tandem autologous/allogeneic transplant followed by bortezomib maintenance: a phase II study

Dr Éric Peters
Appraising clinical applicability of studies: mapping and synthesis of current frameworks, and proposal of the FrACAS framework and VICORT checklist

Dr Philippe Richebé
2021 adaptation of the editorial policy of Anaesthesia Critical Care and Pain Medicine (ACCPM).

Description of the validity of the Analgesia Nociception Index (ANI) and Nociception Level Index (NOL) for nociception assessment in anesthetized patients undergoing surgery: a systematized review.

Current trends in anesthetic depth and antinociception monitoring: an international survey.

Dr Issam Tanoubi
The Patient, the Physician, or the Relationship: Who or What Is « Difficult », Exactly? an Approach for Managing Conflicts between Patients and Physicians

Septembre et Octobre 2021

Dr François Martin Carrier
Impact of conventional vs. goal-directed fluid therapy on urethral tissue perfusion in patients undergoing liver surgery: A pilot randomised controlled trial

Dr André Denault
Effect of Probiotics on Incident Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia in Critically Ill Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial

In reply: Letter commenting on « Ultrasound evaluation of inferior vena cava compression in tilted and supine term parturients »

Ultrasound evaluation of inferior vena cava compression in tilted and supine term parturients

Transgastric Abdominal Ultrasonography in Anesthesia and Critical Care: Review and Proposed Approach

Effect of electroencephalography-guided anesthesia on neurocognitive disorders in elderly patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery: A trial protocol The POEGEA trial (POncd Elderly GEneral Anesthesia)

Dr Martin Michaud
Daytime Variation of Clinical Outcome in Cardiac Surgery: A Propensity-Matched Cohort Study

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Chronic pain experience and health inequities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: qualitative findings from the chronic pain & COVID-19 pan-Canadian study

Interest of registries in neuropathic pain research

The Experiences of People Living With Chronic Pain During a Pandemic: « Crumbling Dreams With Uncertain Futures »

Traduction française, adaptation culturelle et évaluation des propriétés psychométriques préliminaires de l’échelle des stratégies de protection comportementale liées à la consommation de cannabis: French translation, cultural adaptation and assessment of preliminary psychometric properties of the Protective Behavioral Strategies for Marijuana Scale

Dr Philippe Richebé
« Impact of Nociception Level (NOL) index intraoperative guidance of fentanyl administration on opioid consumption, postoperative pain scores and recovery in patients undergoing gynecological laparoscopic surgery. A randomized controlled trial ».

2021 adaptation of the editorial policy of Anaesthesia Critical Care and Pain Medicine (ACCPM).

The impact of bolus versus continuous infusion of intravenous ketamine on bispectral index variations and desflurane administration during major surgery: The KETABIS study.

Dr Issam Tanoubi
VACuum INtubation (VACcIN) box restricts the exhaled air dispersion generated by simulated cough: description and simulation-based tests of an innovative aerosolization protective prototype

Août 2021

Dr François Martin Carrier
Association between obesity and hospital mortality in critical COVID-19: a retrospective cohort study.

Effect of electroencephalography-guided anesthesia on neurocognitive disorders in elderly patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery: A trial protocol The POEGEA trial (POncd Elderly GEneral Anesthesia).

Dr André Denault
Losing the dogmatic view of cerebral autoregulation

Effect of electroencephalography-guided anesthesia on neurocognitive disorders in elderly patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery: A trial protocol The POEGEA trial (POncd Elderly GEneral Anesthesia)

Colchicine for community-treated patients with COVID-19 (COLCORONA): a phase 3, randomised, double-blinded, adaptive, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial.

Femoral Vein Pulsatility: What Does It Mean?

Dr François Girard, Dr Arnaud Robitaille
The impact of a perceptual learning module on novices’ ability to visually estimate left ventricular ejection fraction by transesophageal echocardiography: a randomized controlled study

Dre Manon Choinière
Impact of the Opioid Epidemic and Associated Prescribing Restrictions on People Who Live With Chronic Noncancer Pain in Canada.

Pharmacotherapy for the Prevention of Chronic Pain after Surgery in Adults: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Dre Grisell Vargas-Schaffer
Transfer of Care: Barriers and Solutions in Chronic Pain Management

Dr Philippe Richebé
A narrative review on the potential benefits and limitations of deep neuromuscular blockade – PubMed

Machine learning risk prediction of mortality for patients undergoing surgery with perioperative SARS-CoV-2: the COVIDSurg mortality score – PubMed

Effect of electroencephalography-guided anesthesia on neurocognitive disorders in elderly patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery: A trial protocol The POEGEA trial (POncd Elderly GEneral Anesthesia) – PubMed

The impact of bolus versus continuous infusion of intravenous ketamine on bispectral index variations and desflurane administration during major surgery: The KETABIS study – PubMed

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Real-Life Response to Erenumab in a Therapy-Resistant Case Series of Migraine Patients From the Province of Québec, Eastern Canada

Effect of electroencephalography-guided anesthesia on neurocognitive disorders in elderly patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery: A trial protocol The POEGEA trial (POncd Elderly GEneral Anesthesia)

Mars 2020 à Juillet 2021

Classées par ordre alphabétique de nom d’auteur et mois de publication :

Dr Carrier François Martin

Premier ou deuxième auteur, senior dernier auteur ou corresponding auteur :

2020 Jul Transplantation: Effects of Intraoperative Fluid Balance During Liver Transplantation on Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury: An Observational Cohort Study.

2020 Jul CJA: Outcomes of vulnerable elderly patients undergoing elective major surgery: a prospective cohort study.

2020 Apr JCC: Pulmonary mucormycosis in a patient with acute liver failure: A case report and systematic review of the literature.

2020 Aug PloS One: Effects of intraoperative hemodynamic management on postoperative acute kidney injury in liver transplantation: An observational cohort study.

2020 Oct Transplantation: Response to Assessing Association Between Intraoperative Fluid Balance and the Risk of Acute Kidney Injury After Liver Transplantation: Methodological Issues.

2020 Nov IJH: Severe immune thrombocytopenic purpura in critical COVID-19.

2020 Dec ACCPM: Association between intraoperative rotational thromboelastometry or conventional coagulation tests and bleeding in liver transplantation: an observational exploratory study.

2020 Dec CJA: In reply: What is the appropriate definition for vulnerability to identify silent pre-frail patients?

2021 Jan JCVA: Elements not Graded in the Cardiac Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Guidelines Might Improve Postoperative Outcome: A Comprehensive Narrative Review.

2021 Jan BMC Anesth: Postoperative outcomes in surgical COVID-19 patients: a multicenter cohort study.

2021 Feb IJE: Association of first trimester anaesthesia with risk of congenital heart defects in offspring.

2021 Mar CJA: Epidural analgesia during labour and autism risk: getting lost on the causal path.

2021 Mar CJEM: Efficacy and cost-feasibility of the Timely Chest Compression Training (T-CCT): a contextualized cardiopulmonary resuscitation training for personal support workers participating during in-hospital cardiac arrests.

2021 Jul PloS One: Association between intraoperative fluid balance, vasopressors and graft complications in liver transplantation: A cohort study.

Auteur Collaborateur :

2021 Jan BMC Anesth: Intraoperative hypotension during liver transplant surgery is associated with postoperative acute kidney injury: a historical cohort study.

2020 Apr CCR: Biventricular thrombosis and survival after two different mechanical supports before heart transplantation.

2020 Oct JAMA: Effect of Hydrocortisone on Mortality and Organ Support in Patients With Severe COVID-19: The REMAP-CAP COVID-19 Corticosteroid Domain Randomized Clinical Trial.

2021 Jan Transpl Inf Dis: Targeted caspofungin prophylaxis for invasive aspergillosis in high-risk liver transplant recipients, a single-center experience.

2021 Mar CMAJ open: Characteristics and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 admitted to hospital and intensive care in the first phase of the pandemic in Canada: a national cohort study.

2021 May Transplantation: Guidelines for Perioperative Care for Liver Transplantation: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) Society Recommendations.

2021 Jul CJA: Effect of intraoperative hypovolemic phlebotomy on transfusion and clinical outcomes in patients undergoing hepatectomy: a retrospective cohort study.


Dr Denault André

Premier ou deuxième auteur, senior dernier auteur ou corresponding auteur :

2020 Feb Sci Rep: Inhaled milrinone in cardiac surgical patients: a pilot randomized controlled trial of jet vs. mesh nebulization2020 May JTCS: Postoperative right ventricular dysfunction-Integrating right heart profiles beyond long-axis function

2020 Apr Ultrasound J: Quantifying systemic congestion with Point-Of-Care ultrasound: development of the venous excess ultrasound grading system

2020 Apr CCR: Biventricular thrombosis and survival after two different mechanical supports before heart transplantation

2020 Aug CJA: In reply: Ocular ultrasonography in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and Terson syndrome

2020 Aug JCVA: Preliminary Experience Using Diastolic Right Ventricular Pressure Gradient Monitoring in Cardiac Surgery

2020 Sep CCE: Doppler Interrogation of the Femoral Vein in the Critically Ill Patient: The Fastest Potential Acoustic Window to Diagnose Right Ventricular Dysfunction?2020 Oct CJA: A proposed lung ultrasound and phenotypic algorithm for the care of COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory failure

2020 Dec ACCPM: Association between intraoperative rotational thromboelastometry or conventional coagulation tests and bleeding in liver transplantation: an observational exploratory study

2020 Dec AAP: Right Ventricular Epicardial Pacing Postcardiac Surgery Can Cause Dynamic Right Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction: A Case Report

2021 Jan Chest: Reversal of Acute Right Ventricular Failure Early Post Left Ventricular Assist Device Placement by Intratracheal Milrinone Administration: Case Report

2021 Jan CJA: A proposed algorithm for combining transcranial Doppler ultrasound monitoring with cerebral and somatic oximetry: a case report2021 Mar JCVA: Clinical and Technical Limitations of Cerebral and Somatic Near-Infrared Spectroscopy as an Oxygenation Monitor

2021 Feb JCN: Subsyndromal Delirium in Cardiac Surgery Patients: Risk Factors and Outcomes of the Different Trajectories

2021 Apr CJA: Does measuring veno-arterial carbon dioxide difference compare to predicting a hockey game’s final score?

2021 Jun AA: Transgastric Abdominal Ultrasonography in Anesthesia and Critical Care: Review and Proposed Approach

Auteur Collaborateur :

2020 CHM: Pilot clinical study of quantitative ultrasound spectroscopy measurements of erythrocyte aggregation within superficial veins

2020 Mar JTCS: Risk for non-home discharge following surgery for ischemic mitral valve disease

2020 Mar CJC Open: Assessing Splanchnic Compartment Using Portal Venous Doppler and Impact of Adding It to the EVEREST Score for Risk Assessment in Heart Failure

2020 Apr Neurocrit Care: Brain Ultrasonography Consensus on Skill Recommendations and Competence Levels Within the Critical Care Setting

2020 Jun JCTS: Cost-effectiveness of coronary artery bypass grafting plus mitral valve repair versus coronary artery bypass grafting alone for moderate ischemic mitral regurgitation

2020 Jun JAHA: Quantifying the Influence of Wedge Pressure, Age, and Heart Rate on the Systolic Thresholds for Detection of Pulmonary Hypertension

2020 Jul JTCS: First step toward uncovering perioperative congestive encephalopathy

2020 Jul CASE: Esophageal Perforation with Transesophageal Echocardiography in an Elderly Patient with Prominent Vertebral Osteophytes: A Case Report and a Review of the Literature

2020 Aug ESC HF: Impacts of right ventricular function and venous congestion on renal response during depletion in acute heart failure

2020 Aug Anesthesiology: Perioperative Use of Gabapentinoids for the Management of Postoperative Acute Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

2020 Sep AIC: Potential risks in using midodrine for persistent hypotension after cardiac surgery: a comparative cohort study 2020 Dec JCF: Lymphocytopenia During Hospitalization for Acute Heart Failure and Its Relationship With Portal Congestion and Right Ventricular Function

2020 Oct CDT: Mechanics of right ventricular dysfunction in pulmonary arterial hypertension and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

2020 Dec CJA: Point-of-care echocardiography for the evaluation of right-to-left cardiopulmonary shunts: a narrative review

2020 Dec Pulm Circ: Hemodynamic trajectories and outcomes in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension2021 Jan Resuscitation: Can a Shockable Initial Rhythm Identify Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients with a Short No-flow Time?

2020 Dec CC: Multi-organ point-of-care ultrasound for COVID-19 (PoCUS4COVID): international expert consensus

2021 Feb JACC: Progression of Tricuspid Regurgitation After Surgery for Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation

2021 Mar CJA: Canadian recommendations for training and performance in basic perioperative point-of-care ultrasound: recommendations from a consensus of Canadian anesthesiology academic centres

2021 May CJA: Femoral and popliteal venous Doppler during prone and supine position in COVID-19 patients: a potential diagnostic tool to detect abnormal right ventricular function

2021 May Lancet RM: Colchicine for community-treated patients with COVID-19 (COLCORONA): a phase 3, randomised, double-blinded, adaptive, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial

2021 Jul JCVA: Acute Kidney Injury After Heart Transplant: The Importance of Pulmonary Hypertension

2021 Aug JCVA: Femoral Vein Pulsatility: What Does It Mean?


Dre Girard Marie-Andrée

Première ou deuxième auteure, seniore dernière auteure ou corresponding auteure :

2020 Jan JIC: Interprofessional collaboration and health policy: results from a Quebec mixed method legal research

Auteure Collaboratrice :

2021 May BMC: Interprofessional education-relevant accreditation standards in Canada: a comparative document analysis


Dr Issa Rami

Auteur Collaborateur :

2020 Aug Ann Surg: Minimizing the Risk of Aerosol Contamination During Elective Lung Resection Surgery


Dr Mireault Danny

Premier ou deuxième auteur, senior dernier auteur ou corresponding auteur :

2020 May OG: Uterine Exteriorization Compared With In Situ Repair of Hysterotomy After Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Controlled Trial

2021 Feb J Anesth: Suprazygomatic maxillary nerve block: an ultrasound and cadaveric study to identify correct sonoanatomical landmarks


Dre Pagé Gabrielle

Première ou deuxième auteure, seniore dernière auteure ou corresponding auteure :

2020 Mar CJP: French-Canadian translation of a self-report questionnaire to monitor opioid therapy for chronic pain: The Opioid Compliance Checklist (OCC-FC)

2020 Apr CJPH: Conducting gender-based analysis of existing databases when self-reported gender data are unavailable: the GENDER Index in a working population

2020 Jul Pain Pract: Predictors of Long-Term Opioid Effectiveness in Patients With Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Attending Multidisciplinary Pain Treatment Clinics: A Quebec Pain Registry Study

2021 Feb ACCPM: Characterisation of pragmatic postoperative PAin Trajectories over seven days and their association with CHronicity after 3 months: a prospective, pilot cohort study (PATCH study) 2021 May Pain Med: The Stressful Characteristics of Pain That Drive You NUTS: A Qualitative Exploration of a Stress Model to Understand the Chronic Pain Experience

2021 May CJA: Patient-reported outcomes in those consuming medical cannabis: a prospective longitudinal observational study in chronic pain patients

2021 Jun IJEH: Chronic pain experience and health inequities during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: qualitative findings from the chronic pain & COVID-19 pan-Canadian study

2021 Aug J Anesth: Predictors of one year chronic post-surgical pain trajectories following thoracic surgery

2021 Aug CJP: Impact of the Opioid Epidemic and Associated Prescribing Restrictions on People Who Live With Chronic Noncancer Pain in Canada

Auteure Collaboratrice :

2020 Apr BMJ Open: Strategies aimed at preventing chronic opioid use in trauma and acute care surgery: a scoping review protocol

2020 Oct Clin Epidemiol: Trajectory Modelling Techniques Useful to Epidemiological Research: A Comparative Narrative Review of Approaches

2020 Nov Pain Med: Prevalence, Characteristics, and Management of Chronic Noncancer Pain Among People Who Use Drugs: A Cross-Sectional Study

2021 Apr QHR: Conversations About Opioids: Impact of the Opioid Overdose Epidemic on Social Interactions for People Who Live With Chronic Pain

2021 Apr Children: Differential Risk Factor Profiles in the Prediction of General and Pain-Specific Functional Limitations 12 Months after Major Pediatric Surgery

2021 Apr CJP: « They think you’re trying to get the drug »: Qualitative investigation of chronic pain patients’ health care experiences during the opioid overdose epidemic in Canada

2021 May HPCDPC: A cross-sectional study of pain status and psychological distress among individuals living with chronic pain: the Chronic Pain & COVID-19 Pan-Canadian Study

2021 Jun QHR: The Experiences of People Living With Chronic Pain During a Pandemic: « Crumbling Dreams With Uncertain Futures »

2021 Jun CJPsy : Traduction française, adaptation culturelle et évaluation des propriétés psychométriques préliminaires de l’échelle des stratégies de protection comportementale liées à la consommation de cannabis: French translation, cultural adaptation and assessment of preliminary psychometric properties of the Protective Behavioral Strategies for Marijuana Scale

2021 Jun JPRes: Opioid Doctor Shopping: A Rare Phenomenon Among Patients with Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Followed in Tertiary Care Settings

2021 Jun DAD: Preferences for research design and treatment of comorbid depression among patients with an opioid use disorder: A cross-sectional discrete choice experiment

2021 Jun CJP: COVID-19 Pandemic Impact and Response in Canadian Pediatric Chronic Pain Care: A National Survey of Medical Directors and Pain Professionals 2021 Aug PDS: Chronic pain patients’ willingness to share personal identifiers on the web for the linkage of medico-administrative claims and patient-reported data: The chronic pain treatment cohort


Dr Peters Eric Andrew

Auteur Collaborateur :

2020 Jul CMEJ: CaRMS at 50: Making the match for medical education


Dr Richebé Philippe

Premier ou deuxième auteur, senior dernier auteur ou corresponding auteur :

2020 Jun CJA: Intravenous acetaminophen: questions on new perioperative applications for Canadian anesthesiologists.

2020 Oct JCMC: Impact of intravenous phenylephrine bolus administration on the nociceptive level index (NOL).

2021 Jan BMC Anesthesiol: Postoperative outcomes in surgical COVID-19 patients: a multicenter cohort study.

2021 Jan JCMC: Impact of chronic treatment by β1-adrenergic antagonists on Nociceptive-Level (NOL) index variation after a standardized noxious stimulus under general anesthesia: a cohort study.

2021 Feb BJA: Nociception level-guided fentanyl titration: potential impact of multimodal anaesthesia and false positives. Comment on Br J Anaesth 2020; 125: 1070-8.

2021 May Anaesthesia: Tailoring postoperative pain management with a procedure-specific approach: how to best apply this concept to caesarean deliveries.

2021 May EJA: Assessing the antinociceptive effect of nitrous oxide to tetanic stimulation in anaesthetised patients with new intra-operative nociception monitors: An observational study.

2021 Jun CJA: A randomized controlled trial comparing nociception level (NOL) index, blood pressure, and heart rate responses to direct laryngoscopy versus videolaryngoscopy for intubation: the NOLint project.

2021 Jun ACCPM: A narrative review on the potential benefits and limitations of deep neuromuscular blockade.

Auteur Collaborateur :

2020 May Obstet Gynecol: Uterine Exteriorization Compared With In Situ Repair of Hysterotomy After Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

2020 Aug Anesthesiology: Perioperative Use of Gabapentinoids for the Management of Postoperative Acute Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

2020 Oct Pain Manag Nurs.: Exploration of the Nociception Level (NOL™) Index for Pain Assessment during Endotracheal Suctioning in Mechanically Ventilated Patients in the Intensive Care Unit: An Observational and Feasibility Study.

2020 Oct J Vasc Access: Training novice in ultrasound-guided venipuncture: A randomized controlled trial comparing out-of-plane needle-guided versus free-hand ultrasound techniques on a simulator.

2021 Jun CJA: Face transplantation: anesthesia and other organizational considerations.

2021 July CJA: Ultrasound evaluation of inferior vena cava compression in tilted and supine term parturients.

2021 July BJS: Machine learning risk prediction of mortality for patients undergoing surgery with perioperative SARS-CoV-2: the COVIDSurg mortality score.


Dr Robin Florian

Premier ou deuxième auteur, senior dernier auteur ou corresponding auteur :

2020 Dec ACCPM: EQSAR: A national survey of sleep duration among French Anaesthesiologists and Intensivists.

2021 Jun ACCPM: Pain evaluation after day-surgery using a mobile phone application

2021 July ACCPM: Pre-operative peripheral intravenous cannula insertion failure at the first attempt in adults: Development of the VENSCORE predictive scale and identification of risk factors.

2021 Aug CJA: A retrospective evaluation of the failure rate of continuous infraclavicular nerve blockade in the ambulatory setting

2021 July Anaesthesia: PROSPECT guidelines for total hip arthroplasty: a systematic review and procedure-specific postoperative pain management recommendations


Dr Tanoubi Issam

Premier ou deuxième auteur, senior dernier auteur ou corresponding auteur :

2020 Mar AMEP: Using High-Fidelity Simulation to Teach Ethics Related Non-Technical Skills: Description of an Innovative Model

2020 Apr ACCPM: Comparing the visual perception of novice and expert clinicians: An exploratory simulation-based study

2021 Mars Behav Sci: Comparing the Visual Perception According to the Performance Using the Eye-Tracking Technology in High-Fidelity Simulation Settings

Auteur Collaborateur :

2020 Oct JCMC: Impact of intravenous phenylephrine bolus administration on the nociceptive level index (NOL).

2021 Jan JCMC: Impact of chronic treatment by β1-adrenergic antagonists on Nociceptive-Level (NOL) index variation after a standardized noxious stimulus under general anesthesia: a cohort study.

2021 May EJA: Assessing the antinociceptive effect of nitrous oxide to tetanic stimulation in anaesthetised patients with new intra-operative nociception monitors: An observational study.

2021 Jun CJA: A randomized controlled trial comparing nociception level (NOL) index, blood pressure, and heart rate responses to direct laryngoscopy versus videolaryngoscopy for intubation: the NOLint project.

2021 Jun CJA: Face transplantation: anesthesia and other organizational considerations.


Dre Zaphiratos Valérie

Première ou deuxième auteure, seniore dernière auteure ou corresponding auteure :

2020 May Obstet Gynecol: Uterine Exteriorization Compared With In Situ Repair of Hysterotomy After Cesarean Delivery: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

2021 Feb CJA: Lack of evidence that epidural pain relief during labour causes autism spectrum disorder: a position statement of the Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society

2021 Mars CJA: Epidural analgesia during labour and autism risk: getting lost on the causal path

2021 July CJA: Ultrasound evaluation of inferior vena cava compression in tilted and supine term parturients.

Auteure Collaboratrice :

2021 May EJA: Assessing the antinociceptive effect of nitrous oxide to tetanic stimulation in anaesthetised patients with new intra-operative nociception monitors: An observational study.

2021 Jun CJA: A randomized controlled trial comparing nociception level (NOL) index, blood pressure, and heart rate responses to direct laryngoscopy versus videolaryngoscopy for intubation: the NOLint project.

Février 2020

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Predicting Acute Postoperative Pain Trajectories and Long-Term Outcomes of Adolescents after Spinal Fusion Surgery
French-Canadian Translation of a Self-Report Questionnaire to Monitor Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain: The Opioid Compliance Checklist (OCC-FC): Canadian Journal of Pain: Vol 0, No ja

Équipe de recherche du CAAHC : Dr Issam Tanoubi, Dr Mihai Georgescu, Dr Pierre Drolet, Dr Arnaud Robitaille
Comparing the Visual Perception of Novice and Expert Clinicians: An Exploratory Simulation-Based Study

Dr André Denault
Cardiogenic Shock: Reflections at the Crossroad Between Perfusion, Tissue Hypoxia, and Mitochondrial Function.
Inhaled milrinone in cardiac surgical patients: a pilot randomized controlled trial of jet vs. mesh nebulization.

Dr Philippe Richebé
Development of a clinical pathway for enhanced recovery in colorectal surgery: a Canadian collaboration

Janvier 2020

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Conducting gender-based analysis of existing databases when self-reported gender data are unavailable: the GENDER Index in a working population

Dr André Denault
Enhanced Recovery After Cardiac Surgery (ERAS Cardiac) Recommendations: An Important First Step-But There Is Much Work to Be Done.

Dr Taher Touré, Dr Stephan Williams, Dr Mahmoud Kerouch, Mme Monique Ruel
Patient factors associated with difficult flexible bronchoscopic intubation under general anesthesia: a prospective observational study

Dr Vincent Lecluyse
Spinal Anesthesia for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation (TAVI)

Dr Philippe Richebé
Intravenous acetaminophen: questions on new perioperative applications for Canadian anesthesiologists.

Dr Cédrick Zaouter, Dr Alex Moore
Elements not Graded in the Cardiac Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Guidelines Might Improve Postoperative Outcome: A Comprehensive Narrative Review

Décembre 2019

Dr François Martin Carrier
Pulmonary Mucormycosis in a Patient With Acute Liver Failure: A Case Report and Systematic Review of the Literature

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Pediatric Chronic Postsurgical Pain And Functional Disability: A Prospective Study Of Risk Factors Up To One Year After Major Surgery

The Quebec Low Back Pain Study

Dr André Denault
Cerebral Oximetry and Mean Arterial Pressure: Not a Straight Relationship, the Flow Between?

Novembre 2019

Dr André Denault
Point-of-care handheld ophthalmic ultrasound in the diagnosis and evaluation of raised intracranial pressure and Terson syndrome: a description of two cases.

Association Between the Quantity of Subcutaneous Fat and the Inter-Device Agreement of 2 Tissue Oximeters.

Équipe de recherche du CAAHC :
Dr Issam Tanoubi, Dr Mihai Georgescu, Dr Pierre Drolet, Dr Arnaud Robitaille
The Impact of a High Fidelity Simulation-Based Debriefing Course on the Debriefing Assessment for Simulation in Healthcare (DASH)© Score of Novice Instructors

Dr Gabrielle Pagé
Acute postoperative opioid consumption trajectories and long-term outcomes in pediatric patients after spine surgery

Dr Martin Girard
Effects of positive end-expiratory pressure/recruitment manoeuvres compared with zero end-expiratory pressure on atelectasis during open gynaecological surgery as assessed by ultrasonography: a randomised controlled trial.

Lung-protective ventilation for the surgical patient: international expert panel-based consensus recommendations.

Octobre 2019

Dre Chantal Mercier-Laporte
Perioperative Management of Recurrent Fungal Tricuspid Endocarditis in a Young Patient Abusing Intravenous Drugs

Dr Antoine Rochon
Effect of Fibrinogen Concentrate vs Cryoprecipitate on Blood Component Transfusion After Cardiac Surgery: The FIBRES Randomized Clinical Trial

Dr André Denault
Preoperative Diaphragm Function Is Associated With Postoperative Pulmonary Complications After Cardiac Surgery

Radial artery reliability using arterial Doppler assessment prior to arterial cannulation.

Whole body ultrasound in the operating room and intensive care unit.

Impact of MELD Score-Based Organ Allocation on Mortality, Bleeding, and Transfusion in Liver Transplantation: A Before-and-After Observational Cohort Study.

The Role of Point-of-Care Ultrasound Monitoring in Cardiac Surgical Patients With Acute Kidney Injury.

Dr Alain Deschamps
Protocol for the electroencephalography guidance of anesthesia to alleviate geriatric syndromes (ENGAGES-Canada) study: A pragmatic, randomized clinical trial

Dr François Martin Carrier
Effects of intraoperative fluid balance during liver transplantation on postoperative acute kidney injury: an observational cohort study

Dre Valérie Zaphiratos
Absolute Obstetric Anesthesia Review: The Complete Study Guide for Certification and Recertification

Dr Philippe Richebé (corresponding author)
Impact of intravenous phenylephrine bolus administration on the nociceptive level index (NOL).

Septembre 2019

Dre Gabrielle Pagé
Implementation of Nurse-Driven HIV Screening Targeting Key Populations in Emergency Departments: A Multilevel Analysis From the DICI-VIH Trial.

Dre Manon Choinière
Understanding the link between substance use and chronic pain: A qualitative study among people who use illicit drugs in Montreal, Canada.

Dr André Denault
Portal Hypertension Is Associated With Congestive Encephalopathy and Delirium After Cardiac Surgery.

Assessment of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function by Transesophageal Echocardiography Before Cardiopulmonary Bypass: Clinical Implications of a Restrictive Profile.

Dr François Martin Carrier
Restrictive fluid management strategies and outcomes in liver transplantation: a systematic review.

Impact of MELD Score-Based Organ Allocation on Mortality, Bleeding, and Transfusion in Liver Transplantation: A Before-and-After Observational Cohort Study.

Dre Marie-Andrée Girard
Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Law: A Reflective Analysis of 14 Regulation Structures

Dr Martin Girard
Individualizing Intraoperative Ventilation: Comment.

Dr Christian Loubert, Dr Louis-Philippe Fortier
Enhanced recovery short-stay hip and knee joint replacement program improves patients outcomes while reducing hospital costs

Dr Philippe Richebé, Dre Véronique Brulotte
Pharmacological strategies in multimodal analgesia for adults scheduled for ambulatory surgery.

Dr Philippe Richebé
Anesthesia for thoracic ambulatory surgery.

Août 2019

Juillet 2019

Juin 2019

Mai 2019

Avril 2019

Mars 2019

Février 2019

Janvier 2019

Publications 2018

Publications 2006

Publications 2005

Publications 2004

Publications 2003

Publications 2002

Publications 2001


Les publications de notre département après 2000 sont disponibles dans les « rapports annuels » de notre département qui existent depuis 1999 et que vous trouverez dans l’onglet « Département » et le sous-onglet « Rapports Annuels ».